This large 1×1 meter Lightstream reflector has a #1 on one side and and A grey bounce surface on the other (which acts much like a #4). #1 Lightstream reflectors redirect the source beam without changing the spread acting very much like a front-facing mirror but with more homogenous results. The reflector is set within a high-grade aircraft aluminum frame held with braked swiveling yoke. Mount with 1-1/8" pin to fit a Combo Stand. A motorized version for use with DMX is in production and available as special order.
This reflector is incredible with the sun, massive with the DPB70 and other dedolight models with Parallel Beam Intensifiers.
Front surface – #1 reflector
Rear surface – grey bounce reflector (#4 "like")
All Lightstream reflector boards transfer over 95% of source light.